Derby Live has notified DATA that it is not yet in a position to confirm that the Guildhall Theatre will re-open after September. It had been hoped that this would be confirmed during May but due to further investigative work being required it now looks likely that it will be the end of June at the earliest before it can be confirmed when the venue will re-open.
At this stage this is not yet confirmation that the re-opening of the Guildhall Theatre will be delayed. However, Derby Live recognise that this now mean that for many companies, an Autumn production in the Guildhall Theatre will not be an option.
A future update is promised as soon as there is any clearer information. In the meantime, Derby Live would be very grateful if companies with pencilled-in Autumn bookings could indicate whether they wish to retain those bookings or release them. If companies have already made alternative plans could they let Derby Live know so that they can share that information wherever possible.
DATA continues to be in close communication with Derby Live about this matter, both to represent our members' views and also to ensure as timely communication as possible.